View latest air quality levels with Google Earth
Using Google Earth, or other suitable application, you can view the latest data and information for all automatic air quality monitoring sites in the Northern Ireland Air Quality Monitoring Network.
It's easy to get started, just follow the steps below. The examples will use Google Earth, but other similar applications are available.
You only need to download the file to your computer once as it will automatically fetch the latest data whenever you open it.
Step 1: Download Google Earth
Google Earth is free to download, and is available from Google for PC and Mac or Linux. Just visit and click on the "Agree and Download" button once you have reviewed and accepted the terms and conditions.
Once downloaded, open the installer file and let Google Earth install on your computer.
Step 2: Download the KMZ file
Click on the link below to access the KMZ file:
A KMZ file is a special type of type that encodes geographical data for displaying in a range of applications, including Google Earth.
Step 3: Open the KMZ file using Google Earth
Overview When you open the KMZ file, the earth will appear and you will automatically zoom in to Northern Ireland. After a few seconds, the map will populate with different coloured spots showing both the position of the monitoring stations, and their current air pollution band level.
Bandings Click on the "Banding Information" link at the side for more information about the bands used for air pollution levels.
View Site Data Click on any of the coloured spots shown across Northern Ireland, and more information will appear in the balloon. The balloon shows more detailed air pollution information, including the latest levels for pollutants measured at the site, a weekly graph of pollutant levels, and links to find out more information.
Please note: All images shown in the screenshots are copyright Google © and Google Earth™ imagery shown belongs to the respective owner.